Looking Expand the IPTV Sections


Staff member
Jan 19, 1999
Reaction score
I need some ideas on how we can expand the IPTV forums?

I was thinking on the lines of structure and new areas :)

Feel free to post them down here so we can get the Ball Rolling with this exciting new area!

I just got myself a raspberry pi, how about iptv on different devices, android, ios, windows, enigma2 etc?
Sports Streams
-Premier League
Android IPTV Boxes
IPTV Lists
Nice Work @smithy69 :)

and @theblueirish

Will speak with the mods about this and start getting the ball rolling tomorrow!

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@Mick, how about adding rooms for:
  • Hardware
  • Software
  • Streams and services
Then rename this room General IPTV Discussion.

We can use @smithy69 's list for prefixes for the various sections.

I think that should cover most of it?
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@Mick, how about adding rooms for:
  • Hardware
  • Software
  • Streams and services
Then rename this room General IPTV Discussion.

We can use @smithy69 's list for prefixes for the various sections.

I think that should cover most of it?

The only thing is I can see this getting quite popular in time, and would that be scalable ?

What about something like this (based on @little_pob and @smithy69 Suggestions)

General IPTV Discussion (Change this like @little_pob said)

IPTV Software

IPTV Hardware.
--Rasberry Pi
--Slingbox Sharing (been reading about this :))

IPTV Streams and Services

I will link the downloads area (http://www.digitalworldz.co.uk/downloads.php) to the forums :)

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This would be great. Im taking alot of interest in this IPTV stuff
Possibly tons of forums with not much use might not be a great idea.

I would like to start it small like little pob said but then it has to be scalable :)

Doubt you need to start it too small mick, seems like it's getting more & more interest.
Seems as though it's going to become very popular.
IPTV is going to be taking off big time soon, especially with Sky UK looking like its not going to be around long on cs
...IPTV Hardware.
--Rasberry Pi
--Slingbox Sharing (been reading about this :))

Fixed ;)

As the current version of Sky's Now TV box is based on the Roku LT, might worth naming that section Roku (inc Now TV).

Do we want the Apple TV section to remain where it is or move it under the IPTV umbrella?
I would say to move it here, as its a niche type product that will go well under the IPTV section