Need to make a will

johnny bravo

VIP Member
VIP Member
Dec 8, 2005
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Hi wife passed away recently , this got me thinking in making my will. Nothing complicated, not got much money or assets. I own 50% of our house. The other 50% missus left for kids. Basically I want to leave my 50% to the kids the money I have in my bank accounts. Can I diy a will myself, just want the wording done right and give my eldest son the power of attorney to carry out my instructions. Dont know when I will die but I'm not getting any younger, best to make it easy for my children..ta
Be careful if you're doing your own will, I've heard horror stories of them going wrong. You don't need to go to the expense of using a solicitor though, professional Will Writers are cheaper.
I was hoping to do it myself, get two people to sign and witness the will. How much do solicitors charge for writing a will?, if it's not much then I suppose I'll leave it for them, but if I can do it myself then I dont mind..
It's an important document so needs to be done correctly. As nara say's you don't have to use a solicitor, there are plenty companies do them. Occasionally find the odd ones plying their trades in Shopping Centres.
Lots of free options and home will programs but i believe the bank will do it for you for around £25. Might be a little more expensive now. But they can also store it for you to i think. Not to sure so i am just adding this as an option to explore
Thanks guys I will look into this..need to make sure kids will be ok, after I've gone..
I would certainly do the power of attorney directly rather than through a solicitor as it’s really easy and about 75 quid compared to a solicitor changing at least 4 times that.
BTW you only need your son to be POA to carry out your wishes whilst you are alive.
If you want him to do that after you have passed away just name him as executor in your will.
Sure I saw an advert for McMillan Cancer Support having a Will writing service, guess they'd be expecting a donation.

Edit to add: (note I've not used this service & can't vouch for it personally)
Free wills
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