Sick Bastards !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Inactive User
Jul 11, 2001
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Puppy is kicked to death in park

A 10-week-old puppy was kicked to death when it ran up to a group of people in a Cambridgeshire park in what the RSPCA called a "sickening" attack.
The Jack Russell was being walked by its owner, a 15-year-old girl, in Priory Park, St Neots, on Monday.
The puppy ran over to three people in a wooded area of the park, and one of them kicked it in the head. It died almost instantly.
An RSPCA spokeswoman called the attack "absolutely shocking and sickening".
A member of the public tried to resuscitate the puppy but it died from a fractured skull.
Upset family
The offenders, who ran off, wore hooded tops.
RSPCA inspector Cherry Evans said: "This is an absolutely shocking and sickening incident which caused a great deal of pain to this small puppy, and left her owners devastated.
"It is difficult to understand how anyone could be so deliberately cruel and it is vital that anyone with information comes forward."
Pc Amanda Foreman, of Cambridgeshire police, said: "This has upset an entire family who are finding it hard to understand how someone can do this to a puppy.
"If anyone saw what happened, or knows something about this, they should get in touch."
hmmm, wat is the world comeing to there some sick people out there.

How could someone do that to any animal, that's sick.
Whoever done it needs kickin in the f**kin head!!!
Whats more mind bobbling is this puppy trusts everyone.. and went over to these things called human beings proberly with its tail going.. to receive treatment like that..

When I'm out working in areas of Manchester etc.. i think to myself i wouldn't let dogs work around here..or even the pigeons walk around with dogs..

This just proves a point.. we need socialism in this country... and persecute "life unworthy of living"
these sick scum need the pi$$ kicked out of them in public
What a would give for 5min alone with the little ba***** who done it.
Large canvas kit bag and a good hook in the beams of my dark isolated lockup !!
Bundle the little fookers in the bag hang it from the beam and you have a instant punch/kick bag .. I bet there would be a long line up for a workout on the little turds ...
I hate to read shite like this i thought i was a handful when i was a young un but this shite makes blood boil filthy little tw$ts
look the fact of the matter is its her fault, i say this as an owner of two dogs....there no meant to be out at ten weeks there not old enough for the jags

i dont believe everything i am told but when a vet says do this...then at that age i am inclined to listen
look the fact of the matter is its her fault, i say this as an owner of two dogs....there no meant to be out at ten weeks there not old enough for the jags

i dont believe everything i am told but when a vet says do this...then at that age i am inclined to listen

I thought it was only 8 weeks before they could jabbed...? Mind you, been years since we had a dog so probably way off.

Still sick bastards, no matter which way you look at it.
look the fact of the matter is its her fault, i say this as an owner of two dogs....there no meant to be out at ten weeks there not old enough for the jags

i dont believe everything i am told but when a vet says do this...then at that age i am inclined to listen

Fair enough, she may have made a mistake taking the puppy out to young but its her fault that some mindless c**t kicks the dog in the head and kills it..... really?!?
Puppy is kicked to death in park

A 10-week-old puppy was kicked to death when it ran up to a group of people in a Cambridgeshire park in what the RSPCA called a "sickening" attack.
The Jack Russell was being walked by its owner, a 15-year-old girl, in Priory Park, St Neots, on Monday.
The puppy ran over to three people in a wooded area of the park, and one of them kicked it in the head. It died almost instantly.
An RSPCA spokeswoman called the attack "absolutely shocking and sickening".
A member of the public tried to resuscitate the puppy but it died from a fractured skull.
Upset family
The offenders, who ran off, wore hooded tops.
RSPCA inspector Cherry Evans said: "This is an absolutely shocking and sickening incident which caused a great deal of pain to this small puppy, and left her owners devastated.
"It is difficult to understand how anyone could be so deliberately cruel and it is vital that anyone with information comes forward."
Pc Amanda Foreman, of Cambridgeshire police, said: "This has upset an entire family who are finding it hard to understand how someone can do this to a puppy.
"If anyone saw what happened, or knows something about this, they should get in touch."

I wonder how many people were murdered in the UK on the same day.

I wonder how many people were murdered in the UK on the same day.


Yes lets discount this story and not prosecute the offender.

Whos with me for a bit of Dog kicking?
Fair enough, she may have made a mistake taking the puppy out to young but its her fault that some mindless c**t kicks the dog in the head and kills it..... really?!?
well actually, i still blame her if not her the parents

mindless gits will do what they want anyways
Whoever done it needs kickin in the f**kin head!!!

they need a good few kicks in the head, how would they like to be kicked to death things seem to be getting worse every day makes me sick!!!!

Yes lets discount this story and not prosecute the offender.

Whos with me for a bit of Dog kicking?

Not what I meant and you know it.

But if you're up for it count me in.
look the fact of the matter is its her fault, i say this as an owner of two dogs....there no meant to be out at ten weeks there not old enough for the jags

i dont believe everything i am told but when a vet says do this...then at that age i am inclined to listen

Wow, what a conclusion you've come to. So it's her fault that some tw@t kicked her dog to death? Hmmm
I'm not sure the injections protect dogs from severe blow to the head.

I wonder how many people were murdered in the UK on the same day.


Must admit I thought the same, however this tugs on my heart strings more.
Sick people out there i could not hurt a mouse whats the world coming to.