Sick Bastards !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

they need a good few kicks in the head, how would they like to be kicked to death things seem to be getting worse every day makes me sick!!!!


I have a five year old Rotty who would love to meet up with him.:proud: do you think he would be up for it?
Hey, i registered to thank you for discussing this incident that happened to my sister (the 15 year old girl mentioned in the article) i have created a facebook group and would like it if i could get as many people to join as possible.

Also i hope to stick around here for a while.

R.I.P Sandie | Facebook

Also there should be another article in the daily express (if i remember rightly) tomorrow.
well actually, i still blame her if not her the parents

mindless gits will do what they want anyways

A don't blame the owners one bit, a sick little bastard kicked a puppy in the head and it died as a direct result.
I would like like to see the same little tosser take on firemouths rotty though.
Hey, i registered to thank you for discussing this incident that happened to my sister (the 15 year old girl mentioned in the article) i have created a facebook group and would like it if i could get as many people to join as possible.

Also i hope to stick around here for a while.

R.I.P Sandie | Facebook

Also there should be another article in the daily express (if i remember rightly) tomorrow.

Good luck dude, hope you get the bastard/s. The reward money should help, hopefully.
Puppy is kicked to death in park

A 10-week-old puppy was kicked to death when it ran up to a group of people in a Cambridgeshire park in what the RSPCA called a "sickening" attack.
The Jack Russell was being walked by its owner, a 15-year-old girl, in Priory Park, St Neots, on Monday.
The puppy ran over to three people in a wooded area of the park, and one of them kicked it in the head. It died almost instantly.
An RSPCA spokeswoman called the attack "absolutely shocking and sickening".
A member of the public tried to resuscitate the puppy but it died from a fractured skull.
Upset family
The offenders, who ran off, wore hooded tops.
RSPCA inspector Cherry Evans said: "This is an absolutely shocking and sickening incident which caused a great deal of pain to this small puppy, and left her owners devastated.
"It is difficult to understand how anyone could be so deliberately cruel and it is vital that anyone with information comes forward."
Pc Amanda Foreman, of Cambridgeshire police, said: "This has upset an entire family who are finding it hard to understand how someone can do this to a puppy.
"If anyone saw what happened, or knows something about this, they should get in touch."
the sad thing about it,, it happens to lots of pets every week but it doesnt get looked into by the police that much as its a low case offence as its only a animal that shouldnt be right the animals are more loyal than humans they deserve the same respect that we think we deserve unfortunately that's the government for you its sad and sick but what can we do about it apart from giving a kicking to the ones we see giving it to the defenceless poor animals which is only a 1 percent maybe people see the abuse that animals get the law needs to change
@ whackydude. i hope the experience has not, effected your daughter too much. even so, it may be worth pointing out. most of the people who have read this story, feel the same way as the majority here do. it may help, in some small way, to restore her faith in Humans. as for her or you sharing any blame. don't worry, its just the perverse/diverse nature of our membership showing through.

as for my Rotty. if he was kicked, he would run. too intelligent to fight with tw@s. however, if myself or any of the family it touched and that includes the three cats. it takes weeks to get all of the person from between his teeth, and it has a terrible effect on his stomach. i guess the stomach thing makes sense, he is eating $hit after all!:Hit:
@ whackydude. i hope the experience has not, effected your daughter too much. even so, it may be worth pointing out. most of the people who have read this story, feel the same way as the majority here do. it may help, in some small way, to restore her faith in Humans. as for her or you sharing any blame. don't worry, its just the perverse/diverse nature of our membership showing through.

as for my Rotty. if he was kicked, he would run. too intelligent to fight with tw@s. however, if myself or any of the family it touched and that includes the three cats. it takes weeks to get all of the person from between his teeth, and it has a terrible effect on his stomach. i guess the stomach thing makes sense, he is eating $hit after all!:Hit:

Thank you :) just thought i'd point out that she's my sister :p my dad is upstairs he's been quite ill the past few days. (me and my sister live in seperate houses, my sister lives with my mum, brother and another sister.) i on the other hand live with my dad and two brothers but am still trying to help out because i feel really unhappy about the incident cause i've seen the puppy a few times and it was adorable and did not deserve this.