TM800HD HD channel problems

its simple when it works satwiz I agree,the 5 steps couldn't be simpler :)

but when it gets stuck (scrolling) on Technomate/Starting/Miniroot (either 1 of those) its not so simple any more
I've had it so can relate with there frustration
you are very negative about the box mate
I had problems with mine as you may of read ? and Technomate exchanged it within a day
instead of constantly putting the box down,contact Technomate explaining your problems and they will sort it im sure :)

I have every right to be negative if the box is so bad after 4 days of ownership.

If the box was good i would say its good but at the moment its not and i am not the only one having problems with box.
then contact them and they will sort it :) give them a chance before you get angry ;)
then if they dont help then you can be really negative lol
i sent mine back and they confirmed the box is faulty

mine went to miniroot but no ip
press menu and came up no file

then just stuck on technomate

im thinking they offered me another 1 or something else

im tempted to get 1 more to play with
I can get to miniroot everytime rarely ip .I got to ip 1st time i loaded on new software no problem just wouldn`t start up again and now i have again for the 2nd time seen IP loaded on older firmware, it said success actually seen loading on tv thought yes its fixed and it just stuck there .Just powered on off nothing ? This morning flashed latest software on it been stuck on starting for half an hour .If i restart i`m sure nothing will come up again .It`s not looking good ...
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I have managed to flash box a few times now IP doesn`t come up everytime and i have used 2 different firmwares . The last time i thought it was going to work because it said loading PLI but it stayed on there for about an hour and said starting on screen.I am losing hope , do you think it seems a lost cause ?
I have actually got the box up and running just by repeating the same procedure over and over till it eventually worked . I am a bit cautious on updating in the future .I know its a simple procedure but .....
I have actually got the box up and running just by repeating the same procedure over and over till it eventually worked . I am a bit cautious on updating in the future .I know its a simple procedure but .....

Mate, in all honestly if I were you I'd raise an RMA with Technomate and get that machine swapped over, it doesn't seem very stable at all.
I just gave technomate a call because box is playing up again wont start half the time and when it does it freezes, anyway bit fed up with it really got it for the world cup in HD . They said have you updated software which they don`t have on there site (strange) i said i got it here- from Digidude (The main man ) .Anyway they said hang on new software on monday give it a chance if no good then they will think about replacin it .
Good to know that new image is on the way Monday, axeman have you tried the image dated 27/5/10, its by far the most stable i have found but doesnt have many features in it
I haven`t tried that. I have now got it up and working again using TM800_update file .I will try the new one monday and see how it goes .