Zgemma H.2H HDMI dead no sound or picture


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VIP Member
Aug 2, 2007
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I'm after a Zgemma as mines dead so a mate of mine has offered me his old H.2H the only problem is, there's nothing outputting from the HDMI but the avi/phono outs are working. He's OK flashing and setting up and reckons he's tried it all so I'm wondering, has anyone had this problem and got it working again by changing out the hdmi socket ?
Have you tried flashing the box again using a different image ?
I've not got it at hand but my friends quite clued up on boxes. He said he'd just about tried everything so I would imagine hes gone through the different flashes. I'll know more tomorrow when he drops it off.
From your link it doesn't look like Wayne sussed it either
Hi ive got an H2H and some of my channels had no sound yesterday inc btsport2 Europa Final cant's
once ive got time i will mess about and see if i can help in any way
well feck me I just switched on H2H and sound on every channel
into other room H5 Feck all. boxes ffinn boxxes im going to end up with no windows
going for lay down my blood pressure is on its way up
Im replying to 2 threads so same subject so I will stick with it here:-

I picked up the box in question last night Zgemma H.2H. First thing I tried was flashing it with the latest 6.2 openATV.
The box goes to flash, then boot (no picture on screen) then gets stuck on 49 as though its waiting for something to load. I left it for a good hour but nothing.
If I take the HDMI out then reboot it boots fine but if I put the HDMI back in once its booted no picture.
HDMI back in and re-boot it gets stuck again on 49.
I flashed it with wooshbuild with the HDMI and it flashed and booted ok but no picture on screen,
any ideas ?
I have messed about with it this morning, trying different things.

If you have the HDMI in on it's own then you get nothing on the TV on source HDMI1

If I attach the yellow AVI out to the TV and swap to source AVI on the TV I get a picture but distorted wavy picture as though its slightly out of tune.

If I attach the HDMI and the AVI while on TV source AVI I get a clear picture in 576i all be it as it has the usual ghost type slow scrolling upwards horizontal bar.

As soon as you take out the HDMI while on source AVI it goes back to been distorted. The funny thing is though, if you get the HDMI cable that's plugged into the TV and touch the box next to the boxes HDMI socket it becomes clear again as though its grounding.

I am quite interest to see if this faulty Zgemma HDMI is fixable as there's a quite a few people who have had the exact same problem over the past few years. You only realise how many Zgemma owners have suffered from this problem once you start searching for a fix and I am yet to find anyone who has managed it yet. Surely it's got to be a chip or cap thats at fault but I'm no electronics engineer I just know how to lift and replace.

Oh and I reflowed the legs on the HDMI socket and fluxed gently heated up all the surrounding caps in and around the HDMI socket just in case there was a dry joint.
i sorted min must have lain on the remote last night and turned the audio off with yellow button
all jamming now
stupid question but have you tried different HDMI cables , I know one of mine was picky but it was down to the cables used?
Tried loads m8, 1 was £30 a decent job. It's more than likely the box
I have one here I was going to put on Ebay if you get stuck