installing governments NHS app

You sure it was developed by them @river4ever

I can't see anything to substantiate that. The NHS would have an in house team, or have paid a 3rd party to develop the app. The GCSC afaik, are a new team setup to assist with securing of apps/networks etc. They're an off-shoot of GCHQ in the loosest sense, they're basically trainers for the cybersecurity industry. I know someone who's been on the course, and went to work in the CS Field.

I don't disagree with Snowdon, but he also has his own agenda. Hence him living in Russia now, and we cannot tell if he's gone rogue. Remember that it's not just the UK/US who conduct cyber espionage, all countries are at it, all countries have APTs that will try and get into others networks. One mans freedom fighter, is another mans terrorist.
This is what I mentioned earlier. I think Care.Data was scrapped because of the privacy concerns.


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Every other country seems to be using a decentralized platform which helps protect everyone's data yet the UK seems to be aiming for a centralized system - seems a bit suspect to me! The security behind the NHS contact tracing app
It cant be trusted, hope it fails.
As it already looks that way.
People are more switched on nowadays from these tracking spying apps, just because its the government does not mean its okay and they most likely have a more sinister reason to release it.
Isn't everyone getting a little paranoid? Personally I couldn't give a fcuk who's keeping tabs on me. I don't really see why they'd even want to?
There is a thing about this on RT UK at the moment. McArthy, I think he was called.

I think presenter and interviewee are agreeing that leaks are possible etc.
All you need to do is type in google “mission creep app”
See what results come back, below is only one result. Seems im not the only one. 😂

The meaning of “mission creep”.......
Mission creep is the gradual or incremental expansion of an intervention, project or mission, beyond its original scope, focus or goals, a ratchet effect spawned by initial success. ... The term was originally applied exclusively to military operations, but has recently been applied to many different fields.

Link below:
Contact tracing apps could turn Britain into 'surveillance state', academics warn
All you need to do is type in google “mission creep app”
See what results come back, below is only one result. Seems im not the only one. 😂

The meaning of “mission creep”.......
Mission creep is the gradual or incremental expansion of an intervention, project or mission, beyond its original scope, focus or goals, a ratchet effect spawned by initial success. ... The term was originally applied exclusively to military operations, but has recently been applied to many different fields.

Link below:
Contact tracing apps could turn Britain into 'surveillance state', academics warn

A bit like the nice "care record" thing I linked above. The full extent of what it would be used for wasn't disclosed at launch.

It was cancelled (I'm sure there is something else now though, insidious).

The chart I posted was from a GP's site as they disagreed with it.
We have been a spying nation for long enough another app just adds to it no biggie for me hopefully it will be used for true purpose of it
If the government did not burn bridges with the public over privacy this app could of been a big game changer. Especially if it was released earlier.
To little to late.
In both factors.
(1) date of releasing app (to late)
(2) trust factor. (government spy tool)

Waste of time and should not be downloaded.
Yeah Im with the not installing it view. Only because I cant see it working properly. My phone battery lasts all of 1 day and with the bluetooth on it'll last even less. So what happens if my battery dies when Im in a location to which someone has it and I dont get notified because my bluetooth wasn't on??

Appreciate thats the same as not having the app on in the first place but it just seems a waste of time imho. We're screwed look at the numbers they're only going up!! The government haven't got a clue how to sort this mess out.
Im not one for conspiracies.
But with recent leaks from Edward Snowden about snooping and spying on its people, do people really trust the app for privacy?
Of course many apps can not be trusted but i dont trust the government at the best of times, especially around privacy after the snoopers charter bill was passed into law several years ago. For me i think there “maybe” a more sinister reason for this app.
For me i sure to god wont be installing the app.
ehh no the app is big brother,i will bet when this is over that app will keep going,hard to start but when its up and running they will keep it so I will not be down loading ,I don't take my phone with me when im out,its not that im doing wrong but you never know what might happen so my info is my info.
When the app is released someone will decompile and see what it does. If all it does is record where you have been and who you have been in contact with no big deal, they can do this anyway, but it needs to be automated to make it work for the population as a whole.

If on the other hand it looks at what web sites you go to reads your emails texts etc. then thats a problem.

To be honest I think that the government need us back at work ASAP but it needs to be safe to do so, this is one of their methods. The code will be decompiled and we will know what it does, they want us to use it they are not going to take any risks that we will not.
Yeah Im with the not installing it view. Only because I cant see it working properly. My phone battery lasts all of 1 day and with the bluetooth on it'll last even less. So what happens if my battery dies when Im in a location to which someone has it and I dont get notified because my bluetooth wasn't on??

Appreciate thats the same as not having the app on in the first place but it just seems a waste of time imho. We're screwed look at the numbers they're only going up!! The government haven't got a clue how to sort this mess out.
Perhaps the app designers and Government see it more as a tool you use only when you leave the house. Why would you have bluetooth enabled constantly while at home? Don't you check your battery level before leaving home? I know I do.

"Yeah Im with the not installing it view. Only because I cant see it working properly" Should really be changed to
Yeah Im with the not installing it view. Only because I cant operate my phone properly. Sorry shabbaranks but your argument against it is very weak
Perhaps the app designers and Government see it more as a tool you use only when you leave the house. Why would you have bluetooth enabled constantly while at home? Don't you check your battery level before leaving home? I know I do.

"Yeah Im with the not installing it view. Only because I cant see it working properly" Should really be changed to
Yeah Im with the not installing it view. Only because I cant operate my phone properly. Sorry shabbaranks but your argument against it is very weak
That was just an example - do I check my battery before I leave home 'no' would there be an occasion where I didnt have my phone when I leave the house 'yes'. Even if you just leave it in your car when you go in a shop.

Im not against the app just think as said the money could be used better just my opinion.

Still a weak argument, having your phone with you is helpful but no-one is being compelled to. The money being spent on it is in order to try and save lives and get rid of this virus quicker mate. If you can think of a better way of them spending this money and achieving their goals then let us know.
More and more experts are concerned about this spying tool.
Quote below from Scottish legal.

Davidson Chalmers partner, Laura Irvine, who is also a data specialist, said, however, that she was concerned over the personal location data the app gathers.

She told SLN: “I am concerned about making sure that when the state interferes with an individual’s privacy, that is done for the right reasons and in the least invasive way.

“The NHSX app appears to have considered privacy but the information you provide is not anonymous and could be used to identify you. There are elements of anonymity – so for example, if you are notified that you have been in contact with someone who has self-reported symptoms then you are unlikely to be able to identify them. But the data about the location of your phone is likely to be information about your location, and therefore you are being tracked.”

will say it again and again......stay away from this app. It is doomed before it starts and is sinister app.