ferguson ariva 120hd

Hi butters, thanks for reply, ill try that firmware later today,,,as regards to cline I think I'm ok there as I actually have skybox f3, I bought this a while back as I didn't realise I could access channels through ariva, with regards to connecting ariva to Internet, is that possible with wifi dongle or foes it have to be through Ethernet, once again thanks a lot for help its appreciated

You can use either a dongle like a Vonets Wifi Bridge which are extremely cheap or you can connect directly with an Ethernet cable.
You can use either a dongle like a Vonets Wifi Bridge which are extremely cheap or you can connect directly with an Ethernet cable.

Cheers butters, thanks for that, hopefully gonna try flash box shortly, is it a straight forward process to flash it and also if it bricks is there software there to I brick it, bit nervous to try it tone honest :)
Cheers butters, thanks for that, hopefully gonna try flash box shortly, is it a straight forward process to flash it and also if it bricks is there software there to I brick it, bit nervous to try it tone honest :)

P.s will I lose saorview if I patch the box?????
P.s will I lose saorview if I patch the box?????

Hi butters, I flashed the box earlier with patched firmware you put me onto, seemed as it went ok, upgraded through USB, went all the way to 100% and rebooted itself, when it rebooted it seems to me as if all menus are still the same, can't find anywhere to enter Cline or pick up IP address, if I go into settings I'm getting no options at all to enter anything related to cline, am I missing something or doing something wrong, again any help is honest appreciated
i got a ferguson ariva 120 combo today i want to load the latest patch so i can use it with a c or nline any help would be great thanks
kevin fagan
Copy and pasted cline details to USB saved it as allshares.dat, when I go into my menu on ariva I don't have a tab for tools, go into settings I need to go into interfaces to access USB, when I'm in there my options are common interface, USB device or smart card, I obviously choose USB from their I go into update I still only have the option to upgrade patched software no option for allshares.dat, my box is the ferguson ariva HD combo, no numbers after it, I'm beginning to think I can't use it for what I was hoping,, what's your take on it butters does my menu sound familiar or different from all the others your used to, can't seem to find any info just for ariva combo, it's all for 120 etc
Copy and pasted cline details to USB saved it as allshares.dat, when I go into my menu on ariva I don't have a tab for tools, go into settings I need to go into interfaces to access USB, when I'm in there my options are common interface, USB device or smart card, I obviously choose USB from their I go into update I still only have the option to upgrade patched software no option for allshares.dat, my box is the ferguson ariva HD combo, no numbers after it, I'm beginning to think I can't use it for what I was hoping,, what's your take on it butters does my menu sound familiar or different from all the others your used to, can't seem to find any info just for ariva combo, it's all for 120 etc

Your box is definitely able to do what your trying to do, I just can't remember what the menus look like on Ariva HD Combo, and it's quite old now so there isn't much info on it or people using it. I'll try and have a look online and get back to you.
Cheers butters, your a gent,,, love these sites people just trying to help each other out, it's great :)
Hi Butters,

Im sorry if you've told me before but could you tell me the best patched firmware to use with the ariva 120. I used a patch already but didnt get some movies and channels so If i use a patch version compatable with a channel file i think ill be ok. Need the channel file as well. Thanks
thanks butters for your help downloaded your recommended patch loaded a cline manualy which i already had hey presto all working great thanks again for your help
kevin fagan

Apologies, you have the firmware posted and channel file a few pages back. I'll get cracking on it... Thanks a million
thanks butters for your help downloaded your recommended patch loaded a cline manualy which i already had hey presto all working great thanks again for your help
kevin fagan


Apologies, you have the firmware posted and channel file a few pages back. I'll get cracking on it... Thanks a million

Glad you are both sorted, guess I don't just pretend to know a little something ;)
Thanks for all the info, just trying to get my head around it :)
I have updated firmware and channel listed posted by Butters, what is my next step?.

Many thanks
Another quick question. I got a test line and its working superb is there any way to get full epg? also is it possible to do a series link type recording on this unit.
Butters I wonder can you help me? I'm having a bit of trouble with connecting ccam. It regularly tells me connection failed when I try to connect. And more times it will connect perfectly fine. I wonder cud you shed any light on this. I have dhcp enabled.
Another quick question. I got a test line and its working superb is there any way to get full epg? also is it possible to do a series link type recording on this unit.

Short answer; no and no unfortunately!