ferguson ariva 120hd

Butters I wonder can you help me? I'm having a bit of trouble with connecting ccam. It regularly tells me connection failed when I try to connect. And more times it will connect perfectly fine. I wonder cud you shed any light on this. I have dhcp enabled.

What firmware are you using? Have you tried getting an N line and using Newcamd instead? There does seem to be some issues with CCcam.
hi Butter, im using the firmware you posted up on page 68, i found your channel file very helpful and thanks v much for posting it up. yeah maybe its to do with the cline. it just keeps saying connection failed and works then at another stage. thanks Butters for your help. do you know any source for n lines?
hi Butter, im using the firmware you posted up on page 68, i found your channel file very helpful and thanks v much for posting it up. yeah maybe its to do with the cline. it just keeps saying connection failed and works then at another stage. thanks Butters for your help. do you know any source for n lines?

PM'd mate

Dondub delete some of your messages in your inbox, I can't PM you as it's full.
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Bee9791 your inbox is also full, try and keep the questions to the forum if you can, unless it's a C/N line question, that way everyone can have input and try and help each other out :)
Hi Folks I have an ariva 120. In the first instance I put in the n line it worked, and all was well but that was temporary. Now it won't connect and when I go to settings to manually connect the n line it just keeps saying connection failed. There is no problem with the n line, no problem with the homeplugs, no problem with the internet, I restarted the box and the router but still no success. I have dhcp turned on and auto connect on. I suppose my next bet is to do a factory reset, but with that ill probably have to install the firmware etc again.

Ah ill get there, just a bit frustrating ! Ha ha. I have an ariva 250 working perfectly too just this 120 is doin my head in. Both in different houses.

Thanks everybody
Best to go back to basics Bee. When you power up the Ariva, after a second or two does it say "STB connected sucessfully" or something like that. This will confirm your Ariva is connected to your network and rule out internet problem. Another thing to check... Is newcamd selected or cccamd? Is line entered correctly? Can't really think of anything else other than server down
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hi butters downloaded your ch. list works great .thanks for all your hard work,
kevin fagan
Folks any ideas
Im using Firmware 2.15B5 Patched on Ariva 120 it keeps going to scrambled and you have to switch off/on the baox for it to work again, is there a better more stable image for this unit ?.

Folks any ideas
Im using Firmware 2.15B5 Patched on Ariva 120 it keeps going to scrambled and you have to switch off/on the baox for it to work again, is there a better more stable image for this unit ?.


Have you tried flashing the box again with Firmware 2.15B5 Patched making sure to do a factory reset also?

EDIT: When you say it keeps going to scrambled, do you mean as your watching a channel it happens?
I am trying to get my Hd120 box up and running again. I am using the Firmware and uploader from Butters post 617.
I bought box last christmas but it died a few weeks after I put on a faulty Patched file.
I did get It back working once, well at least it came back to 'on' on the box but I then tried to upload to a newer version of firmware which got to 100% but flash failed. Is there any tips on what I should do.
Is there any way to play xvid files on Ariva 120hd combi ? any files I try to play I have no video only sound with unsupported video codec displayed?.

Is there any way to play xvid files on Ariva 120hd combi ? any files I try to play I have no video only sound with unsupported video codec displayed?.


Just tried x264 and they seem to work fine.

An n-line is recommended for the Ariva 120


An n-line is recommended for the Ariva 120


Thanks for your reply iba.
Going to try to do it the weekend,my laptop is on the blink so just waiting on access to one to download the firmware.
Thanks again
Thanks for your reply iba.
Going to try to do it the weekend,my laptop is on the blink so just waiting on access to one to download the firmware.
Thanks again

Did you try? How did you get on?
Yea up and running,was surprised how easy it was to do,
Anyone got a channel list?the one on page 25 seems to be removed.

look at Butters posts - i think he did one in the last six weeks or so